Apostólicos Seguidores:

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Onde você está?

Desde 10 de Abril de 2010, és o visitante de nº:

segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2015

An important news for you.

Welcome, gentlemen, our ideal here is to be aligned in the entire sanctification of man and be firm in consent to live in holiness and love. Solitamos your understanding and respect. We are a religious, wise and valued entity in holiness and love God above all things. And we want to be every day more children of God, mighty, capricious, and merely understood the big question we live in full communion with Jesus and his powerful saints. The Santa Rosa Grandma is always next to daqiele that is really faithful and devoted, giving positive evidence of a divinely consecrated faith and aligned the righteous judgment of the gospel of salvation. Yes, we have the person of the Holy Primate Brother Aldo our deep respect, affection and admiration for Him to be the beloved of Jesus, to take a redeemed and holy people to the heavens, the eternal home with the angels of God. That's why the Apostolic Church has fought all forms and forces to take a sincere people to be happy, with the saints and angels of God. Forward People of God, let us go full holiness and discover us, come and join this herd, with faith, love and sincere loyalty. Thank you all and God bless tremendous and very firmly. The Lord Jesus peace to all.